A Late August miscellany in photos

1 A Young Grass Snake found under a tin. On cooler days they hide under the tin sheet absorbing any residual heat from it.

                 2 recent high winds brought down this Birch tree; in amongst the Chestnuts they grow tall and        spindly and are prone to the elements. This one will make a good stack of firewood

3 The birch has been rocking at the roots for some time but the wind tore the stem right off

4 Roe Deer caught on camera 

5 A Marsh Tit, this one looks very fresh suggesting it might be a young bird from this year

6 Hornets look for sap exuding from cracks in an oak tree bark. The sap is very sweet and sought after by butterflies too

7 Later August brings out the dragonflies. A few species do not mind being a long way from water. This is a Migrant Hawker.

8 with the Heather in flower the honey bees get to work collecting pollen

9 The red berries of Cuckoo pint adding a bit of welcome colour

10 Crab apples beginning to swell and ripen

11 such a fine plant - Devils Bit Scabious. Invertebrates love it.



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