High Summer

          At last an end to the cold and wet and with luck the start of the hot settled days of July and August. The woods are pretty quiet and seem birdless at this time. Most have finished breeding and need to recuperate, grow new feathers and build up their strength again. I have continued to put out feed for the Turtle Doves and even though they have not shown themselves to me this year they have been seen by others, which is very reassuring. Late July is the time to see two of my favourite butterflies, the White Admiral and the Silver-washed Fritillary, both species are woodland specialists, on the wing for a short period in mid to late July. The Admiral needs honeysuckle to lay its eggs on and the fritillary looks for violets, the key food of its caterpillar. It is a good time too for a few dragonflies with several species, including the Golden-ringed,  to be found along the sunniest rides

               Both Slowworms and Grass Snakes like the warmer conditions and I have seen both this week, sheltering under the tin sheets I put out for them. Different plants are coming into flower and it looks like a very good season for Rowan berries as the trees are laden with ripening fruit and looking beautiful. Lets hope the sunshine sets in for a good long spell.

A Golden-ringed Dragonfly

Ripening Rowan berries

A White Admiral butterfly that refused to pose nicely for me

A lover of shady spots - Enchanters Nightshade

It does not take long for Squirrels to attack the hazel nuts so they never get to ripen fully

A visitor took this shot of visiting Turtle Doves

A young Grass Snake

A silver-washed Fritillary with a damaged wing

A tangle of Slowworms


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