The Greening part 2

              The woods are really coming to life now in spite of the persistent cold winds and damp weather. Nature has its own pace it seems. The Bluebells are showing their colours well, although they will need a couple of weeks yet to be at their absolute best. One of the delights of owning our woodland is seeing the changes that happen every time I visit. On a quick visit today the first Slow Worms were warming themselves under the tin sheets I put out for them and the trees are rapidly leafing up again. The Slow Worms spend the winter underground, awaiting the Spring sunshine to encourage them out....after this year's long winter, I feel much the same.

 An Early Purple Orchid spike

The new season's Bluebells

new growth on the birches on one of the rides

signs of new growth on the Chestnuts coppiced in January

new leaves

A young Slow Worm

An adult under the same tin sheet.

The greening......

Gorse in flower

Rowan trees just about to flower

the bees in our wood are getting very busy and seem to have survived the winter well


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