Mid Summer ?

            Now at the end of July we are maybe getting past the time one can call mid-Summer but there are still many weeks ahead until we can say Autumn is here, even though this month has been cooler and wetter. Bird activity certainly dies down in July and August as most species have raised their young and now need to moult into new feathers and feed themselves up again after the rigours of parenthood. Crow Wood is very quiet with little or no bird song. Sadly the Turtle Doves did not appear this year so even their gentle purring has been absent. But in spite of this there is still plenty to see. Dragonflies are busy along some of the rides with several species showing themselves, different flowers are bursting out and although hard to find Grass Snakes and Slow Worms continue to go about their quiet business in the undergrowth. 

           A huge bracket type fungus started growing on one of the big oak trees last month and is now very impressive in size; I hope it does not signal that the tree is not in best health, only time will tell. Elsewhere the growth of Bracken has been unrelenting and in many places it is over head height, scything it back does eventually weaken and kill it but these Summer months are meant for resting and enjoying, not hard physical activity!

The bracket fungus on the Oak tree after 8 weeks growth

Silver-washed Fritillaries are still on the wing, when the sun comes out

Common Centaury or Mountain Pink now at its best

It seems a good year for Red Admirals

A Bush Cricket with its dagger-like ovipositor
Grass Snakes like keeping warm under the tin sheets I put out for them, this one is a good specimen

..and Peacock butterflies are around in good numbers too this year
A Southern Hawker, a dragonfly that perches frequently and makes life a lot easier for the photographer

A Common Darter, common in Crow Wood


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