Is it Spring yet ?

             Its been a pretty wet and cool Spring with north winds dominating the weather over the last couple of weeks and the wood remains very wet underfoot. Trees are just coming into leaf and the Bluebells are only now beginning to open along the ride; they are usually later in our wood than many other places because of its more northerly aspect. The Primroses and fabulous Early Purple Orchids are still showing well and the first few Violets and Wood Anenomes are out now, so there are indeed signs of warmer days to come. A few birds have been braving the cool conditions and started nesting but overall bird activity is still low, only the tiny Goldcrest seems to have something to sing about. 

            A Blackbird has decided to make its nest right next to our shed door which may be a good place to avoid predators but means that every time we use the shed it gets disturbed and leaves its five chicks alone. Having watched it at some distance several times, it always returns quickly after we are out of sight so perhaps everything will be alright and the chicks will prosper. Making your home near humans is a good strategy really, when your biggest enemies are Magpies and Woodpeckers, both species being keen to raid nests to feed their own young. Although I have yet to survey all the nest boxes I have put up over the years at least two have been adopted by Great Tits but I have lost my battle with them dastardly squirrels as they have taken over the owl box yet again in spite of my best efforts to chuck them and their twigs out. I am sure theTawny Owls will have found somewhere else to set up home but I will need to adopt a different anti-squirrel strategy next year.....perhaps moving the box to a lower position so I can get to it more frequently without resorting to using a very long ladder. A friend has suggested shooting all the squirrels as they cause a lot of damage to trees and birds. This is probably the only solution but its not a step I am prepared to take; apart from any other consideration there must be hundreds out there in the 300 acres of Old Park Wood and beyond.......and I don't have a gun !

The Blackbird on the nest on our shed

Signs of Spring, a Great Tit leaving a nest box, hopefully there are eggs inside

Such fine plants, Early Purple Orchids, we have just 6 spikes this year

The first few Bluebells

Wood Anemones

Violets, important food plants for the caterpillars of Silver-washed Fritillary butterflies

Standing water along the top ride

The tiny Goldcrest nests in our big Sequoia

........great little birds that are constantly looking for insect food

Sadly no owls in here this year, just squirrels and their  debris

Watching you, watching me !


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