Highs and Lows

         Lets get the Lows out of the way first. Over the years our woodland shed has suffered several break-ins as have those of fellow owners, in addition both timber and odd tools have gone missing from time to time. There have been a small number of occasions too when the fly-tippers have been busy and dumped their loads in front of the main gates, which makes for a tiresome and expensive job clearing up the mess. I had a phone call today from a neighbouring farmer to alert me to a massive dump, which included a burnt out caravan, at the south gate to the main wood. It was a massive amount of rubbish that I assume must have come off a low-loader. It is really depressing when this happens but very sadly it is not that unusual in the countryside. It means that access for all of us woodland folk will be problematic until the pile is removed.

       On the plus side the wood is showing the first signs of the coming Spring with new shoots pushing through the carpet of leaves and even the first butterfly on the wing. Buds are beginning to burst and some birds are starting to think about nesting. I have had the feeding station up for three months now and will keep it supplied for another couple of weeks but once there are more leaves on the trees and insects on the wing it will be time to put it away until next winter. For now, the birds are still making good use of it, even the Long-tailed Tits which rarely come to feeders.


A Long-tailed Tit is just a ball of feathers

Action on the fat balls

The fly-tip

What a mess...

On the brighter side - signs of the Early Purple Orchids with their spotty leaves

the first Snowdrops

A Red Admiral butterfly sunning itself on our shed - this species hibernates as an adult and often wakes up on sunny days, it was likely spending the winter in a corner of the shed, unnoticed.


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