May days

            May is the month when change in Crow Wood seems at its most rapid as it responds to increased day length and higher temperatures. It has been a curious Spring in many respects with a long dry period and cold easterly winds delaying the arrival of many migrant birds but in spite of the drought the Bluebells are at their peak now and when the air is calm their scent is wonderful. The Early Purple Orchids are just beginning to set seed, they have also done well. The first shoots of Common Spotted Orchids are beginning to show too. They are completely mysterious plants as it is impossible to know how many will appear and just where. 

           Speckled Woods and Green-veined White butterflies are on the wing, and most resident birds are getting on with nesting. Two of the woodland specials - Spotted Flycatchers and Turtle Doves - are yet to arrive. They are both late migrants and sadly pretty rare nowadays. I am always very glad and relieved to see them turn up. Will they get here again this year ?

          One of the greatest joys of owning our own woodland is being able to share it with family and friends. Seeing the delight on the face of a four year old handling a Slow Worm for the first time cannot be beaten.

Speckled Wood butterfly,

 A Green-veined White on a Bluebell, showing off its veins

Early Purple Orchid

A pair of Great Spotted Woodpeckers changing over nest duties in a dead pine

Slow Worm and new friend

Wasp collecting wood pulp to build it's nest somewhere in Crow Wood


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