
Snow - living in lowland Tonbridge I had not grasped how much snow had fallen on the hills over the weekend. On Saturday I kept seeing cars with snow piled on their roofs, while ours was just wet. I knew that there was deep snow somewhere locally.
         Sunday dawned bright and clear, an ideal day for wooding, so off I set for Crow Wood.....and there was the snow ! The fields on the greensand ridge above Goudhurst were still white and Old Park Wood still had an alpine air to it too, although the warm sun was changing that rapidly. My old truck is only two-wheel drive and not good on snow and ice so I was a bit wary driving down the track but from experience I knew that what it needs is a good load of logs in the back to weigh it down and give some grip. (Many years ago my wife and I had to dig ourselves out after the dear old Ranger just could not get a grip in deep snow.)
            It was a lovely bright morning; time to top up the bird feeders and cut those logs. There must have been a lot of snow as some of the pine trees had lost branches and our fine old Broom bush had a big branch snapped off, presumably from heavy snow......such a shame as it was a very fine shape. I met a couple of other owners and learnt that many others had suffered from break-ins over the week before and some had even lost wood-burning stoves and chainsaws.....all very depressing.
          With a load in the back my truck just made it back up the track and onwards home.

pine branches broken off by the weight of snow

the track in - a gentle slope but iced over and a challenge for my vehicle.

snow damage on our Broom


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