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The jumbo feeder is going great guns still with Great, Blue, Cole and Marsh Tits regular visitors along with Nuthatches and the occasional Great Spotted Woodpecker. The latter are very wary when not at the top of a tree and are easily scared away. On the downside the feeder has brought in some of the local riff-raff - grey squirrels, magpies and pheasants. I have to admit that I do have a soft spot for Magpies, they are stunning birds to see close up and are really clever. But squirrels are highly destructive in woodland, stripping bark off trees and raiding birds nests to take eggs and young.
I have not tried any form of squirrel control as yet in Crow Wood but am now edging towards investing in a 22 rifle and attempting to limit their numbers but then again in our 6 and a half acre plot, surrounded as it is by a further 200 it might be an endless task. And do I really want to spend precious time in the wood chasing squirrels ? This is a small dilemma to mull over during the Christmas break........Happy Christmas and may all your 2019 dilemmas be as small !
Who me ? Vermin ? |
Nuthatch |
Marsh Tit |
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